Here we are discussion how to lamda expression query to a data base object
public class customers
public int customerId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public decimal Salary { get; set; }
List<customers> customerList = new List<customers>();
List<customers> resultList = new List<customers>();
decimal maxSalary;
List<string> customerNames = new List<string>();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
// Getting a max salary
maxSalary = customerList.Max((emp) => emp.Salary);
// Filtering a List
resultList = customerList.Where((emp) => emp.Salary > 50000).ToList();
// Sorting a List
// To get a descending order replace OrderBy with OrderByDescending
resultList = customerList.OrderBy<customers, decimal>((emp) => emp.Salary).ToList();
// Get the List of customer names only
customerNames = customerList.Select<customers, string>(emp => emp.Name).ToList();
// Getting a customized object with a given list
var customerResultSet = customerList.Select((emp) => new { Name = emp.Name, BigSalary = emp.Salary > 50000 }).ToList();
private void Fillcustomers()
customerList.Add(new customers { customerId = 1, Name = "Shankar", Salary = 125000 });
customerList.Add(new customers { customerId = 2, Name = "Prasad", Salary = 90000 });
customerList.Add(new customers { customerId = 3, Name = "Mahesh", Salary = 36000 });
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