Up until a couple of months ago I was writing most of my code using WPF. Recently, a project came up where Silverlight made more sense to use. I’d thought that wouldn’t be a problem since I’d just use
JavaScriptSerializer[wrote about it
here] like I did for my WPF project.
Uh oh. It turns out that Silverlight doesn’t have JavaScriptSerializer. Never fear!
DataContractJsonSerializer is here! Or so I thought.
It turns out that if you want to use DataContractJsonSerializer you must actually create POCOs to backup this “data contract.” I didn’t want to do that.
I wanted to turn this…
2 | "some_number" : 108.541, |
3 | "date_time" : "2011-04-13T15:34:09Z" , |
4 | "serial_number" : "SN1234" |
1 | using System.Web.Script.Serialization; |
3 | var jss = new JavaScriptSerializer(); |
4 | var dict = jss.Deserialize<dynamic>(jsonText); |
6 | Console.WriteLine(dict[ "some_number" ]); |
7 | Console.WriteLine(dict[ "more_data" ][ "field2" ]); |
So I set out to write my own JSON parser. I call it FridayThe13th… how fitting huh? Now, using either Silverlight or .NET 4.0, you can parse the previous JSON into the following:
3 | var jsonText = File.ReadAllText( "mydata.json" ); |
5 | var jsp = new JsonParser(){CamelizeProperties = true }; |
6 | dynamic json = jsp.Parse(jsonText); |
8 | Console.WriteLine(json.SomeNumber); |
9 | Console.WriteLine(json.MoreData.Field2); |
Since I work with a lot of Ruby on Rails backends, I want to add a property “CamelizeProperties” to turn “some_number” into “SomeNumber”… it’s more .NET like.
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