The objective of this article is to demonstrate functionality in the
library that transforms LINQ expression trees to SQL statements that can be executed against multiple RDMS systems and not just Microsoft's SQL Server offerings. The LinqToSql
library implements the following features and functionality:- Queries multiple databases in one expression e.g. a Microsoft Access Database and an SQL Server Database
- Translates function calls and property accessors in the
classes that have SQL equivalents e.g.firstName.Length
etc. - Implements all
methods e.g.GroupBy
, etc. - Correctly and comprehensively translates binary and unary expressions that have valid translations into SQL.
- Parameterizes queries instead of embedding constants in the SQL transformation.
- Performs caching of previously translated expression trees.
- Does not use MARS - Multiple Active Result Sets, an SQL Server 2005 specific feature.
- Correctly translates calls to
even when the query source involves method calls. The SQL Server 2005 specific keywordCROSS APPLY
is neither required nor used.
So far, I have tested the functionality on SQL Server 2000 and 2005. Testing for compatibility with Microsoft Access and other RDMSs is underway as the project is still under active development.
The project file available above for download contains samples that run against the famous Northwind database on both SQL Server 2005 and Microsoft Access.
In this article, I will focus on the
functionality and the use of function calls and property accessors in theString
and DateTime
classes. But first...Querying Multiple Databases in One LINQ Expression
The Northwind corporation is facing financial meltdown as a result of its incompetent customer relations and inept order fulfilment. In order to save the situation, Northwind's management sent out a questionnaire asking its customers what their favourite movie is. The plan is to determine who the director of that movie is and to then send the customer a DVD collection of other films by that director. Unfortunately only one customer responds to the questionnaire.
Nevertheless the query must go on... against the following:
- Northwind DB on SQL Server
- FavouriteDVD.mdb, a Microsoft Access File
- An in-memory data structure with directors and a list of movies they've directed
We set up query sources as follows:
customers = new Query<customer />(new SqlQueryProvider(northwindConnection));
// northwindConnection is an SqlConnection to Northwind Db on SQL Server
favouriteDVDs = new Query<favouritedvd />(new SqlQueryProvider(favouriteConnection));
// favouriteConnection is an OleDbConnection to FavouriteDVD.mdb
var directorMovies = new Dictionary<string, />>();
directorMovies.Add("Stanley Kubrick", new List<string />()
{ "Paths of Glory", "A Clockwork Orange" });
directorMovies.Add("Alfred Hitchcok", new List<string />()
{ "39 Steps", "The Lady Vanishes" });
directorMovies.Add("John Frankenheimer", new List<string />()
{ "Ronin" });
Now that we've set up our data sources, we can run the query:
var dvdInfo = (from customer in customers
where customer.CustomerID == "ALFKI"
select new {
FavoriteDVD = (from favouriteDVD in favouriteDVDs
where favouriteDVD.CustomerID == _
select new {
Movie = favouriteDVD.DVDTitle,
That gets us the customer information from Northwind (SQL Server) and the customer's favourite movie from
(Microsoft Access).
Now, we need a list of movies produced by the same director:
var dvdInfoPlus = from info in dvdInfo
select new {
Movies = new {
MoviesBySameDirector = _
from movies in directorMovies[info.FavoriteDVD.Director]
select movies,
The result is as follows:
CustomerID=ALFKI ContactName=Maria Anders Movies={ }
Movies: FavoriteDVD={ } MoviesBySameDirector=...
FavoriteDVD: Movie=Apocalypse Now Director=Stanley Kubrick
MoviesBySameDirector: Paths of Glory
MoviesBySameDirector: A Clockwork Orange
And there you have it. Download the sample code and try it out.
I did not purposely design
to do this. I just stumbled on this functionality when I was running tests yesterday. I will explore this sort of thing in detail some other time. (Think querying and aggregating data from disparate databases, Web services, LDAP directories etc. using simple LINQ syntax. Interesting, eh?).Fixing a Gaping Hole
If you downloaded the sample code last week and attempted to run a query like the one below, you would be out of luck:
var x = from c in customers
join o in orders on c.CustomerID equals o.CustomerID
let m = c.Phone
orderby c.City
where c.Country == "UK"
where m != "555-555"
select new { c.City, c.ContactName } into customerLite
where customerLite.City == "London"
select customerLite;
var y = x.ToList();
ObjectDumper.Write(y, 3);
A look at the expression generated will reveal why:
.Join(, c => c.CustomerID, o => o.CustomerID,
(c, o) => new <>f__AnonymousType3`2(c = c, o = o))
.Select(<>h__TransparentIdentifier46 => new <>f__AnonymousType14`2(
<>h__TransparentIdentifier46 = <>
m = <>h__TransparentIdentifier46.c.Phone))
.OrderBy(<>h__TransparentIdentifier47 =>
.Where(<>h__TransparentIdentifier47 =>
h__TransparentIdentifier46.c.Country = "UK"))
.Where(<>h__TransparentIdentifier47 =>
(<>h__TransparentIdentifier47.m != "555-555"))
.Select(<>h__TransparentIdentifier47 => new <>f__AnonymousTypea`2(
City = <>h__TransparentIdentifier47.<>
ContactName = <>h__TransparentIdentifier47.<>
.Where(customerLite => (customerLite.City = "London"))
This reveals at least the following issues:
- Very involved aliasing e.g.
<>h__TransparentIdentifier47.<><br />h__TransparentIdentifier46.c.ContactName
which is aliasing a reference toc.ContactName
- Sequential calls to methods defined in the
class e.g..Where(...).Where(...)
In between bouts of heavy drinking over the weekend ;) I managed to resolve these issues. The specifics of how this was done will be addressed another day.
In any event, this expression and its ilk can now be parsed successfully. In this case, you'll get an
that looks like so:SELECT City, ContactName
Customers AS t1
Orders AS t2
ON t1.CustomerID = t2.CustomerID
WHERE (t1.Country = @p2) AND (t1.Phone <> @p1) AND (t1.City = @p0)
ORDER BY t1.City
This will produce the following result:
City=London ContactName=Thomas Hardy
City=London ContactName=Victoria Ashworth
City=London ContactName=Elizabeth Brown
City=London ContactName=Ann Devon
City=London ContactName=Simon Crowther
City=London ContactName=Hari Kumar
Samples and Translations
Example 1
var cutoffDate = new DateTime(1998, 1, 1);
var x = from c in customers
join o in orders on c.CustomerID equals o.CustomerID
where c.CustomerID.StartsWith("A") && o.OrderDate > cutoffDate
orderby c.ContactName, o.OrderDate descending
select new { Name = c.ContactName, o.OrderDate };
var y = x.ToList();
ObjectDumper.Write(y, 3);
The above query will produce a list of
whose customerID
s begin with the letter "A
" who placed orders after 1/1/1998
. The following SQL query will be generated to produce the result:SELECT t1.ContactName, t2.OrderDate
Customers AS t1
Orders AS t2
ON t1.CustomerID = t2.CustomerID
WHERE (t1.CustomerID Like (@p1 + '%') AND (t2.OrderDate > @p0))
ORDER BY t1.ContactName , t2.OrderDate Desc
The results will look like so:
Name=Ana Trujillo OrderDate=3/4/1998
Name=Antonio Moreno OrderDate=1/28/1998
Name=Maria Anders OrderDate=4/9/1998
Name=Maria Anders OrderDate=3/16/1998
Name=Maria Anders OrderDate=1/15/1998
Name=Thomas Hardy OrderDate=4/10/1998
Example 2
var x = from c in customers
orderby c.City
where c.City.Contains("ri") || c.Country.EndsWith("o")
select new { c.Country, c.City, c.ContactName };
var y = x.ToList();
ObjectDumper.Write(y, 3);
The above query will produce a list of
who live in cities whose names contain the string "ri
" or those who reside in countries where the country name ends with the letter "o
".SELECT t0.Country, t0.City, t0.ContactName
FROM Customers AS t0
WHERE (t0.City Like ('%' + @p1 + '%') OR t0.Country Like ('%' + @p0))
ORDER BY t0.City
The results will look like so:
Country=Venezuela City=I. de Margarita ContactName=Felipe Izquierdo
Country=Spain City=Madrid ContactName=Alejandra Camino
Country=Spain City=Madrid ContactName=MartÃn Sommer
Country=Spain City=Madrid ContactName=Diego Roel
Country=Mexico City=México D.F. ContactName=Francisco Chang
Country=Mexico City=México D.F. ContactName=Ana Trujillo
Example 3
var x = from order in orders
where order.OrderDate.Value.Year > DateTime.Parse("1/1/1997").Year &&
select new { order.CustomerID, order.OrderID, order.OrderDate };
This query will produce a list of
who placed orders after 1997
and whose customerID
s start with the letter "B
". The following SQL query will be generated to produce the result:SELECT t0.CustomerID, t0.OrderID, t0.OrderDate
FROM Orders AS t0
WHERE ((DATEPART(year, t0.OrderDate) > @p1) AND t0.CustomerID Like (@p0 + '%'))
The results will look like so:
CustomerID=BOTTM OrderID=11048 OrderDate=4/24/1998
CustomerID=BLAUS OrderID=11058 OrderDate=4/29/1998
CustomerID=BONAP OrderID=11076 OrderDate=5/6/1998
Example 4
var x = customers
c => orders.Where(o => c.CustomerID == o.CustomerID &&
(c, o) => new { c.ContactName, o.OrderDate }
.OrderByDescending(d => d.OrderDate)
.Select(e => new {e.ContactName, e.OrderDate})
.Where(f => f.OrderDate > DateTime.Parse("1/1/1996"));
This query will produce a list of
whose customerID
s start with the letter "C
" who placed orders after 1/1/1996
. The following SQL query will be generated to produce the result:SELECT ContactName, OrderDate
Customers as t1
, as t2
WHERE ((t1.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID) AND _
t2.CustomerID Like (@p1 + '%')) AND (t2.OrderDate > @p0)
ORDER BY OrderDate Desc
The results will look like so:
ContactName=Patricio Simpson OrderDate=4/28/1998
ContactName=Yang Wang OrderDate=4/22/1998
ContactName=Pedro Afonso OrderDate=4/22/1998
ContactName=Yang Wang OrderDate=4/16/1998
ContactName=Pedro Afonso OrderDate=3/23/1998
ContactName=Yang Wang OrderDate=3/20/1998
ContactName=Patricio Simpson OrderDate=3/10/1998
That's it for now. In the next article, I will investigate how the performance of
squares up against DLINQ.Notes
- All 40 or so samples in the download will run successfully on Microsoft Access and SQL Server, except for those that have multiple parameters - these will not return results when run against Microsoft Access. I am investigating the cause of this behaviour.
- As a quick fix to get the samples that call
working on both Microsoft Access and SQL Server, theCrossJoinHandler
will not emit theCROSS JOIN
keyword, instead tables are separated by a comma. This is not optimal behaviour and the more elaborate fix alluded to in the previous article will be applied later. - MARS is not used but multiple simultaneous connections may be opened during query evaluation. I will detail when and why this happens, performance implications and possible workarounds in another article.
- Most functionality has been covered, but there are corner cases that haven't been cornered as yet.
- A comprehensive code review is underway and a number of bugs have been fixed.
- Comments, suggestions and bug reports would be most appreciated.